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Whether the surface of the cartridge electric heating tube will conduct electricity?

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We have come into contact with some customers who often ask a question, will the surface of the electric heating pipe in your home be electrified?


The electric heating tube is a high-temperature resistance wire evenly distributed in the high-temperature-resistant stainless steel seamless tube, and the crystalline magnesium oxide powder with good thermal conductivity and insulation performance is densely filled in the gap. , When there is current passing through the high temperature resistance wire, the generated heat diffuses to the surface of the metal tube through the crystalline magnesium oxide powder, and then transfers to the heated part or the air to achieve the purpose of heating.


Therefore, the surface of the heating pipe is definitely not charged. Because between the metal shell and the resistance wire is filled with insulating magnesium oxide powder.


Therefore, the resistance wire only transmits heat through the magnesium oxide powder and does not transmit electricity, so the surface of the heating tube is not charged!

2022年3月19日 11:25